Sami and Ben Engagement

I’m often asked my favorite place for an engagement session and my answer is almost always, “the lake.” Any lake, really. I just love the idea of being on the water especially in the spring and summer. I met Sami and Ben first by one of my favorite murals of the lake before venturing to the real thing. The sailboats were bobbing in the water as the warm summer sun made their faces glow. Sami wore a jean jacket over a dress so when she opted to take it off halfway through their session, it gave the illusion of having two completely different looks. I love when people layer outfits like this, it adds so much to their session and is completely effortless. We admired the view from the pier before making our way back onto land where we found the most beautiful lavender. The sun was catching it in such a way that it looked otherworldly and gave their photos an ethereal feel. As the sun set, we ended the session where we began; on the lake.

Merina Burda